If you think that the Indian stock market is not meant for small players, you are wrong. As per a survey, the investors section not only include big corporates and wealthy individuals who invest in bulk but also small time investors encompassing homemakers, students, small time businessmen, and the list goes on. No matter whether you are investing big or small, what matters is the success aspect. If you play safe, your investment on Indian stocks will certainly yield you good returns; the vice versa can happen too. Here are a few stock market tips following which you can get some good returns from Indian stocks:
- Stay updated with the ebb and flow of the Indian stock market; news portals or online brokerage firms will well serve your purpose. Your purchasing and selling decisions rest on the latest news; so, keep your eyes and ears open
- Do not be influenced by rumors and do not blindly follow the stock market tips published at many an online platform
- Do not be carried away by emotions. Investing in Indian stocks will mean either gaining or losing. Do control your emotions in both cases otherwise you will get diverted from your strategy and take the wrong turn
- To choose Indian stocks that are potential, use investing tools such as fundamental analysis and stock technical analysis. Using the former, you will know beforehand about the rising and falling value of shares while using the latter, you can know whether the Indian stock market will be bearish or bullish. Research and use of investing tools will certainly help you choose lucrative
- Do not be driven by the notion that stocks low in value will skyrocket very quickly; the vice versa can happen too; so, consider all pros and cons
- Observe everything related to the Indian stock market so that you do not miss on anything.
Having a diversified investment portfolio is the order of the day in recent times. This way investors not only manage their risks but also see their money multiply faster than they have expected. Two other investment options worth mentioning are the commodity market and mutual funds of India.
The NMCE (National Multi Commodity Exchange) is the first state-of-the-art demutualised multi-commodity commodity exchange in India set up by public institutions. It was set up in response to a Press Note issued by the Government of India during May 1999. In the commodity market related to this exchange, you can trade in cash crops, food grains, plantations, spices, oil seeds, metals, bullion and more.
When it comes to investing in mutual funds, do consider investing through the systematic investment plan (SIP) options. If you have a good income and worried about tax paying, you may consider investing on tax-planning funds besides multi-cap and other mutual funds. There is a wealth of options available; do read mutual fund news regularly so that you take informed decisions.