If your financial situation feels good but not great, you might feel like things are falling out of control – and it doesn’t have to be that way.
Even when we have good momentum with our money it can feel like things aren’t going well sometimes – and we have to recognize that feeling as just our emotions playing tricks on us.
It’s not that we don’t have a good grasp of what’s going on with our money – we just don’t feel like things are going well in general, and that can lead to horrifically unwise decisions later when we act on our emotions rather than the facts of the situation – which could be that we’re perfectly fine but don’t see it.
That is why we need some very strong spirit guidance so that we don’t get off track – it won’t be so difficult to welcome in a far stronger financial situation, and we won’t have to pull ourselves through excessive challenges in order to get there.
Building up your finances in a way that you can count on your money situation long term – relying on much wiser and more stable finances as you go along – that is how we should live.
We should never descend into past mistakes that we’ve made with our money – we need to get smarter and bring those resolutions from the past where we fixed our mistakes moving forward, and bunch of spirits can help us with that…
Lavel – Helps to develop your finances in a way that you are much wiser and smarter, making far fewer mistakes and embracing a money life full of abundance and greater cash flow long term.
This can be a crazy effective power to apply to your financial life – once you see that your money can be stretched and made to last far longer than you could ever imagine, life can get very interesting because you know your money can be made far more efficient than you ever considered.
We are not trying to make something impossible happen here – making your money last longer and making far wiser decisions is simply a matter of changing your mindset and thinking, and once that happens your money situation will never look the same.
Another spirit can help with financial growth in a way that most simply don’t think about…
Eshaliah – Brings you to understand your finances perfectly so that you make much smarter decisions with your budgeting and spending going forward; enables you to increase your cash flow in a way that you always have extra cash on hand and never spending your money needlessly going into the future.
Often we don’t realize how much of our money goes to unnecessary stuff we buy that we end up not needing and regretting – and that needs to stop.
When you tweak your budget in such a way that your crappy spending goes down and you keep more of your money – your finances will suddenly look a lot better, even if it feels you aren’t doing much to improve it – and that can be a startling moment when you realize what has happened to your money situation.
Sometimes we just aren’t that aware of the changes we have with our spending – because our budgets rarely stay the same over the months and years – but when we have shifts that we can make use of; we need to understand how to best move forward so that our money is maximized and we don’t get screwed in situations that might potentially confuse us.
One such spirit can help you understand monetary shifts in your life so that you are never behind or confused about what’s going on with your finances…
Nememiah – Enables you to see exactly what you need to do during confusing financial moments so that you are never behind with your money life; causes you to understand and foresee money related problems well before they happen so that you don’t have to worry about thing coming up unexpectedly going into the future.
In the moments where you can’t see where your finances are going, it can be a little scary to make any decision if confusion is dominating the situation and you just don’t understand what’s going on and how to act.
That is why the spirits are very useful for situations like this – they can guide your thinking and actions so that everything just falls into place and you are not left with more questions than answers when dealing with your money life.
Other times it can be interesting to develop yourself in others ways – how can we improve our lives and financial situations in ways that we can’t easily see and what moves do we make so that our futures don’t ever look bleak and grim – one last spirit can help us with this…
Achaiah – Allows us to see all ways we can maximize our money and bring in far greater cash flow going into the coming months and years; we are brought to see if starting a business, or beginning some other cash producing activity is in our path so that we can bring in a major cash source coming into the next several years.
This last power is not to be underestimated – we are traversing the line between having money and building abundance and wealth long term in a way that we may not have ever considered.
It is not a small thing that we are developing and building up our financial futures in a way that causes us to be very well off in the future – and that’s something that very few people can say about their money lives in general; that they have such a solid foundation that they can plan out a business, or other bigger financial projects going into the future.
We have to embrace much more intelligent planning and thinking for our money – and the spirits can help us achieve that as long as we are open to their guidance and willing to make the necessary changes in our lives – we simply cannot go wrong with their help.